Aspen lives in Allen Park, Michigan with his owners Amanda Loveday and Taylor Bruckner, and Golden Retriever “sister” Maple. He is a certified therapy dog through USA Therapy Dogs, an organization recognized by the American Kennel Club. Therapy dogs provide comfort, support, and can reduce stress. They do visits in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and at special events. They are different from service dogs, which perform specific tasks for their owner and should not be pet while working. Therapy dogs are there for others to pet and hug them. Aspen loves socks, as the cast and crew of Rinaldo have witnessed during rehearsals. Aspen participates and competes in sports and activities such as Rally, Barn Hunt, NASDA (North American Sport Dog Association), rodeo dog, trick dog, canine parkour (sometimes known as urban agility), fast CAT (coursing ability test), and more with handler Amanda Loveday. Aspen will turn two years old in June and weighs 84 pounds. His favorite treats are cheese and ice cubes. Rinaldo is Aspen’s debut at the Detroit Opera House, and he is very excited to bring smiles and joy to cast and audience alike!