Birthplace: Great Barrington, MA. Training: Indiana University, Cantarella School of Ballet, Berkshire Pulse. Joined Trockadero: September, 2024. Previous companies: Festival Ballet Providence, Newport Contemporary Ballet, Albany Beckshire Ballet.
MOUSSIA SHEBARKAROVA. A celebrated child prodigy back in the Brezhnev era, Moussia Shebarkarova astounded her parents at the age of two by taking a correspondence course in ballet. Sadly, due to the unreliable Russian postal system, she has only just graduated.
THE LEGUPSKI BROTHERS. Araf, Marat, Sergey,Timur, and Vyacheslav are not really brothers, nor are their names really Araf, Marat, Sergey, Timur, or Vyacheslav nor are they real Russians, nor can they tell the difference between a pirouette and a jeté…but…well…they do move about rather nicely …and…they fit into the costumes.